Foundation Support

Our donors are the beating heart of the Mercytree International Foundation, fueling our relentless efforts to deliver essential medical services and training to rural African communities. Your contribution doesn’t just make a difference – it triggers a ripple of change that transforms lives.

In appreciation of our Foundation donors, we are pleased to spotlight your invaluable contributions in our annual report and various published donor listings. But our gratitude doesn’t stop there. To keep you connected with the impact of your generosity, we share updates through our quarterly alert newsletter and invite you to engage with our executive director, board of directors, and foundation staff at special events.

As a donor, you’re more than a supporter; you’re an integral part of our mission. We provide detailed reports on your specific areas of interest, highlighting the significant impact of your grants. In many instances, our Foundation donors also serve as trusted advisors, lending their expertise and insights to guide our efforts.

So, join us at Mercytree International Foundation, where your contributions are not just valued but celebrated as catalysts of change in the communities we serve. Together, let’s continue weaving a narrative of hope, health, and prosperity across rural Africa.

Contact us at 1-833-956-3729 or


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We are a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.

Federal Identification Number (EIN): 80-0192876

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